Chief Bill Partridge
Chief Partridge has been serving the citizens of Oxford since 1989. Prior to becoming the Chief of Police, Bill served as Operations Captain for the police department, supervising the uniform division and special operations. He has held every rank in the police department with the exception of Assistant Chief.
Chief Partridge is a Crash Reconstructionist and Crime Scene Reconstructionist. He is also a P.O.S.T. certified instructor in crash investigations, buried bodies and skeletal remains recovery, forensic death investigations and media relations to mention a few. Chief Partridge serves on numerous boards in the field of law enforcement and public safety. He also served as Calhoun County Coroner from 2001-2006.
Chief Partridge holds a graduate certificate in Criminal Justice Education from the University of Virginia and has attended the University of North Florida’s Institute of Police Technology and Management. He is also a graduate of the 225th Session of the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia.
Organizational Affiliations:
Alabama Association of Chiefs of Police
International Association of Chiefs of Police
National Tactical Officer’s Association
FBI National Academy Associates
Professional Photographers of America
National Sheriff’s Association